Brigantia has been sold

Brigantia has been sold!

After giving us three years of fun and joy and looking after her novice crew, Brigantia went to pastures new in the Autumn of 2013. This blog remains as an archive of our activities on board.

Our new yacht, "Erbas" has her own Ships Log

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Flogging a dead horse

Well, 8 horses in fact. And not actually dead as such, just a bit poorly. Ok, maybe I'm stretching this metaphor a bit far.

I have, in fact, sold the old tired outboard to a chap off the YBW forums for a knock down price of £50. Would have been nice to get a bit more for it but fifty squids in the bank trumps having a rusty lump of decaying metal cluttering up the shed  :-)

Its already paid for, he's collecting it in the next couple of days. That's one less item on the to do list. 

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