Brigantia has been sold

Brigantia has been sold!

After giving us three years of fun and joy and looking after her novice crew, Brigantia went to pastures new in the Autumn of 2013. This blog remains as an archive of our activities on board.

Our new yacht, "Erbas" has her own Ships Log

Monday, 7 January 2013

Blog changes and 2012 Summer Cruise news

Some changes to the blog template which I was getting bored with! Quite like the new visuals, let me know if you don't. Not that I'll do anything about it, I just like to know that I've annoyed people!!

Jesting apart, I've spent most of the day editing the daily posts on the 2012 Summer Cruise sorting out typos, consolidating the text, adding photos and, significantly, adding the daily track log charts

Start, if you're interested, with Day 1 and follow the "Newer Post" link at the bottom of the page to step forwards through each day

I may get around to carrying out a similar exercise on other posts for 2012 in due course

Oh and new longer posts now will start with a summary paragraph or two and then jump link to a seperate page to avoid the turgidly long main page


  1. Very nice - but is it possible to lighten the colour of the background map and/or darken the post text?? With dark grey writing over a map with grey text it's a little hard to read when the two coincide..! :o)

    1. Yes, see what you mean! Needs a bit of tweaking which i shall attend to on the Morrow

    2. It has been duly tweaked as promised - slightly lighter background, slightly darker text :)

    3. Might have made things worse now! New background map (drawn by me this time instead of stolen off've somebody else's web site!). I think it's OK (and I don't want to fade it too far out) but let me know 'cos displays, and eyeballs (!), vary a lot
